Ma'anshan Kaiang Trading Co., Ltd

Ma'anshan Kaiang Trading Co., Ltd
Used mining industry equipment
Business Scope:
Crusher, ball mill and other second-hand mini
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Ma'anshan Kaiang Trading Co., Ltd. specializes in recycling second-hand mining equipment and waste materials. Located in Ma'anshan Second-hand Mining Equipment Dispensing Center, Anhui Province, it buys and sells all kinds of second-hand mining equipment such as crushers, ball mills and rotary kilns for a long time, scrap materials recovery, quarrying equipment, mineral processing equipment, scrap steel, scrap iron and waste materials. The operation is in good condition. Welcome new and old customers to consult and see the goods. Ma'anshan Kaiang Trading Co., Ltd. is waiting for your call!...See More Information>>
Ma'anshan Kaiang Trading Co., Ltd
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  • Company Name:Ma'anshan Kaiang Trading Co., Ltd
  • Technology Support:wangyou
  • Customer Service 400-622-1112